Author Archives: Amy Klotz
Change for a Chance 5k – June 15th!
This weekend brings a RACE DAY for many NRC runners!! We are so excited to see all the new faces who participated in our first ever Couch to 5K Program!! Best of luck to everyone in the Nolensville Change for a Chance 5K! See below for the course description.
There are a few people meeting early to add some extra miles if anyone is interested. The Singers are leading a group for 12 miles starting at 5 a.m. from the Nolensville Elementary School. Pace will be around 9:00.
On Sunday, Lisa Singer and others are running 6 miles beginning from Mama’s Java at 7 a.m. Pace will range from 9:30-10:00
The course for the Change for a Chance 5k has changed slightly making it less hilly! That’s a good thing! Here is the description. The section of the race that has been modified is in bold.
Start at Nolensville First United Methodist Church (7316 Nolensville Rd.)
Straight on Rocky Fork Rd. (Baseball Field Rd.)
Turn left on Newsom Ln Through marked Course around NolensvilleElementary School
Turn right on Newsom Ln toward Ballenger Dr
Turn Left on Mill Creek Ln toward Creekside Dr.
Turn left onto Creekside Dr
Turn right onto Meadow Creek Ln
Turn left onto Countryside Rd
Turn left onto Stonebrook Dr
Turn right onto Dortch Ln
Turn right onto Ramblewood
Turn left onto Timberside
Turn left onto Dortch
Turn left onto Stonebrook Dr
Turn right onto Countryside Rd
Turn right onto Meadow Creek Ln
Turn left onto Creekside Dr
Turn right onto Mill Creek Ln
Continue onto Newsom Ln
Turn right onto Rocky Fork Rd (road with track and ball fields) toward finish at Nolensville First United Methodist Church
Total Distance: 3.1 Miles
Weekend of June 8th Running Plans
Hope everyone had a great week! Here are the running plans that I know of so far….
6:00 a.m. – From the Concord Y – Amanda, Kim, Shannon, Diana are running 10.5 miles; 10:30 pace
6:00 a.m. – From the Concord Y – Mandy and Lauren are running 10 miles; 9:30 pace
6:15 a.m. – From the Concord Y – Scott and Amy are leading a group for 13.1; 8:45ish pace
7:30 a.m. – From Mamas Java – Ken is running 5-6 miles;11-11:30 pace
7:30 a.m. – From Mama’s Java – Kelly D and Steve are running 5 miles; 10:00ish pace
10:00 a.m.- From the Concord Y – Andrea K and Tandy are running. (not sure of distance. I would guess pace to be low 9’s)
As always…Run Happy NRC!!!
Weekend of June 1st Running Plans
We have running plans in the making NRC! Just a quick reminder though before I get to that…. registration for The Murfreesboro Middle Half opens tomorrow at 8:00 am CST. This is a highly supported NRC event and sells out quickly!
On to the running plans….
From Mama’s Java
5:45 a.m. Lisa, Joe and Traci are running 11 miles; 9ish pace
6:30 a.m. Scott and Amy are running 15 miles; low 9’s for pace
7:00 a.m. Kelli Alexander is leading a group for 5 miles at an 11:00 min pace
7:30 a.m. Kathy Sorenson is leading a group for 5 miles at a 10:00 min pace
6:30 a.m. from the Concord Y – Amanda, Kim, Diana, Elizabeth, and Shannon are running 9 miles. I believe pace will be somewhere between 10 and 11.
Find your inspiration and Run Happpy All!
Weekend of May 25th
Happy Memorial Day NRC! There a few groups getting together to share some miles.
6:00 am From Mama’s Java – Zack, Danielle, Grant and Joe are running 10 miles at a 9:00 min pace
8:00 am From the Concord Y – Kristina Kozar and Lauren Combs will be representing our walkers this weekend.
Happy Running All!
Weekend of May 18th
Sorry for the delay but here are some running plans for your Saturday.
6 am from the new Mamas Java – Grant Garcia is running 10-12 miles at a 9ish pace
7 am from the New Mamas Java – Kim Bryant De is leading a group for 7 miles; pace between 10:30/11:00
7 am from the New Mamas Java – Scott is leading a group for 10-12 miles; 8:45ish pace
7 am from the New Mamas Java – David Dye is running! Not sure of distance but he says pace is “easy”
Run Happy All!
Weekend of May 11th
Our regular weekend running plans are getting back to normal now that most of our spring marathons and the Rutherford Relay have concluded. Here is what is shaping up at this point…
6:30 a.m.- Departing from Uncle Bud’s – Scott Alexander is leading a group for 10 miles at a 9:00 min pace
6:30 a.m. – Departing from Uncle Bud’s – Blake Bivens is leading a group for 8-10 miles at a 9:30 pace
7:00 a.m. – Departing from the Concord Y – Amanda Brewer is leading a group for 6-7 miles at a 10:00 min pace
7:00 a.m. – Departing from Uncled Bud’s – Kelli Alexander is leading a group for 6 miles; 10:30/11:00 pace
7:30 a.m. – Tiffany Warf is leading a group in Smyrna (Smyrna Greenway; sharp springs trail) for a run at a 10/10:30 pace
Happy Mother’s Day to all our NRC running moms!!
Run Happy All!
NRC At the Rutherford Relay
Weekend of May 4th
This weekend brings with it yet another race weekend for many NRC runners. We have several teams participating in the Relay Rutherford, which is a 53 mile relay stretching through the roads of Rutherford County. Many participated last year and had a fantastic time! This year should be just as fun but may be a bit soggy with the weather predictions. I can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories afterward!
As far as running plans closer to home, there are a few that are shaping up but yet to be solid. Once I know for sure, I will post here. Stay tuned!
Run Happy All!
One note to mention: Our celebration evening at Arrington Vineyards that had been rescheduled for Saturday night has now been cancelled due to the weather.